
After Asher opened up his presents, we helped clean up and then we left to drive back to Utah.

Happy Birthday from Mamo and Papo Cook-We gave him a swimming pool.

We hope it will keep you nice and cool in the summer time.  We love you Asher.

LET THE GAMES BEGIN-after cake and icecream.

Asher was the first one to walk in dino shoes and hold a dino egg on a spoon and walk to the other side of the yard, racing another team.

One of his friends at the party helped Asher along.

Now it is Ian's turn, he did a pretty good job keeping those dino feet on.

Ian is ready to race.

Go Ian.

Jake and Joe taking the little dinosaurs for a ride in Jurasic park (Davis's back yard).

Zoe was the only one left listening to the end of the story that Sharae was telling.

Bill standing on the Davis patio.

Little Dinos continue to ride in the Jurassic park.

Bill and I at the dinosaur museum called "Teeth, Tails and Trouble".  The T-Rex is behind us.

After the museum we went back to the Davis home and had a volcano ice cream with the dinosaur park cake.  Asher getting ready to blow out his 4 candles.

Ok everybody get ready to sing "Happy Birthday"

Happy Birthday to Asher, Happy Birthday to you.....


Ashers gifts.

This gift is from Bill and I, it is a swimming pool

Sharae helping the kids make dinosaur hats to wear to the museum

Now kids this is how you do it.....

Ians dino hat

Sharae reading to the kids "the very dizzy dinosaur"

ASHERS 4th BIRTHDAY PARTY at the Davis home in Idaho Falls- April 21st, 2012 (His birthday is really the 22nd-it was on sunday).


The dinosaur cake was not ready on friday so Bill and I went to pick it up.  It was so cute with the tiny bones and dinosaurs on top.  Asher was really excited about his cake.

On the menu were dino chicken bites, spinach salad that looked like a dino nest with tomatoes to represent dino eggs, dino snack mix of raisins, nuts, m&m's with gummy worms and some fruit dino snacks. Also a dino drink made with sprite and apple juice. It was all very DELICIOUS.




Sharae read this book to all the kids at the party.

I had given Sharae my sewing machine years ago. She had been having some trouble with it and loves to sew. So we went to get it tuned up and instead.....traded it in.



After lunch at Olive Garden, I went with Sharae to run errands to pick up things to decorate for Asher's birthday on Saturday.

The first stop we made was to get Sharae's hair trimmed, it was going every which way.  So after her trim the gal flat ironed her hair and it was really cute.

Sharae's hair has so much density and volume it took a while to straighten it.

I grabbed some pics of Sharae driving in the car because her hair was so cute.

This is my sassy girl.

I reallly like how the back flips up, very stylish.

Bill and I really wanted to go to the Idaho Falls temple friday late afternoon. But Sharae and I were so busy running errands it just got to be to late...

So we stayed at the Davis's and ordered Pizza and played a game called "Buzz Word", I was terrible at it. Asher loves drinking his soda from the bottle, he took a couple of mouse bites from his cheese bread stick. He is into this phase of not wanting people to watch him eat, sometimes he eats and other times he doesn't.  It is really frustrating to Sharae and Joe right now.

We drove to Idaho Falls with Sharae's family and went to eat at Olive Garden. April 20,2012Bi

Bill and I in front of Olive Garden.  I just love this tree and want to get a few for our yard in Utah.  I really like the flowering pear trees.  I think this one is a cherry tree.

Joe, Sharae, Ian -5 yrs old and Asher turning 4 this weekend.

Sharae ordered the famous penne fettuchine.

Dad and Sharae enjoying the wonderful salad and bread sticks.

Me and funny faced Ian (he takes after his dad with the funny faces during pictures).


Asher's 4th Birthday week-end. We drove to Moore, Id to be with Sharae and Joe's family from B April 19-21st.

Bill and I made plans with Sharae to drive up to Moore, Id and see the new animals they got for their homestead.  Here, Sharae is waiting for me to go out to the trampoline to watch Ian and Asher jump.  Joe and Bill are by the trampoline.  In the distance you can see all there land (2 acres).  Sharae loves living close to the mountains.

Here is Rae, Rae she is 6 months pregnant with her little girl.  We are all so excited-the baby is due August 11 the day after Rae's birthday.

Joe and Sharae love their country living and the boys seem to be happy too.

Me and Bill watching our grand kids jump.  Ian and Asher love their new trampoline.

Me and Sharae and their Nubean goats behind us.

The goats are very friendly there are 2 females and 1 male named Buck.  Rae is hoping they will mate so after the babies are born she can milk them.

This is Buck, he is very curious and came right over to us and wanted to play. I tried to feed Buck some lettuce and he just sniffed it, Sharae said if it falls on the ground they will not eat it.  Joe then gave him some alfalfa and Buck loved it.

Joe went out to play with the goats, they chase him and climb.

Here one of the female goats got up on the wheel to play, Joe put a board for them to walk across.  They are used to climbing steep mountain slopes.

In this picture the 2 female goats are playing a butting heads.  They are fun to watch, they get up on their back legs and butt the other goat on the head.  They did this for quite a while. 

Sharae loves the Chickens.  They have a coupe with 4 hens and 1 rooster.  She got there eggs after the rooster fertilized them and she put the eggs in her house with an incubator, when they hatched and were big enough she divided the coupe and put them outside.  Now she also has 2 polish chicks for Ian to take care of for his 4-H class.  They are cute and they look like they are wearing fluffy hats.

Here we are feeding them some lettuce since the goats would not eat it.  Ian knows how to go and get the eggs and how to care for them with Joe and Sharae.