

After we went skiing we took Landon to his favorite Brazillian Restaurant in Salt Lake called "Tcanos". They sang Happy Birthday in Portugese and made him play the tamborine. We were so full, we came home and crashed after our big day of skiing. We woke up sunday and had a nice sunday dinner and Landon blew out his 24 candles on his coconut pie (also one of his favorites). The gift he got was an air compressor to sand and paint his car. It was a nice week-end celebration for Landon. I can not believe he is now "24" years old. Time flys way to fast.

pictures of our ski day.

Happy 24th Birthday Landon

We celebrated Landon's birthday at Snow Basin and skied on the 24th Saturday. It was a beautiful, clear sunny day. Landons wish was to spend a day skiing and just have a chill day.

Co-Op "Bountiful Baskets"

I love this new Co-op I was introduced to by some friends in our ward. You order on line baskets of fruits and vegtables for $15.00. I have done it twice, it is volunteered based and there is no profit for anyone. The food is great and so fresh. This time I got the organic and asian basket. I got organic strawberry's, blueberry's, coconut, fresh ginger and basil. Radishes, bokcho, romaine lettuce, green onions, mushrooms,garlic, celery, cilantro,Kiwi, brocolli, cauliflower,apples, pears,and avacados.