
YouTube - Evolution of Dance

YouTube - Evolution of Dance I don't watch you tube much. But when I watched this video it made me laugh. YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO -now do you feel better after laughing? Have a great day!!


back yard view

It was so nice to finally get a fence up yesterday 3/12/09. We had a ugly tarp around the pool for 8 months. Chiquita can run and play in the backyard now. I love using the hammock, laying out and swimming in the pool.

views from the sides of the house

Some pictures of the front of the house

Welcome to our home away from home

This is where we live in Argentina. The summer is coming to an end, and autumn will start soon. We have had alot of rain this past week. This is the first sunny day, so I took some shots of the house and yard. ENJOY!!


Happy 56th Birthday Bill-You are only getting better with age!!

I tried to make Bills birthday special-first I made him molasses cookies (his favorite)-the first real sweet for a while. I got him some very nice arnette sun glasses(he drives into work directly as the sun is coming up-so this will help). I got him a hellium balloon that had written on it "Feliz Cumpleanos". I made him a tasty dinner of sweet and sour chicken over rice with a salad and blueberry muffins.I also bought a small chocolate and dulce de leche cake with 6 candles for him to blow out. So we slipped dinner in between our busy schedule on tuesday night-between me teaching english and his bishopric meetings. Sharing 1 car is dificult but, it was all good. Again Happy Birthday