

Boy!it is cold here. Well it snowed now for several days, Bill decided he would use the snow blower we bought when we first moved to Utah. It was still snowing while he was using the snow blower. It was amazing how fast it took care of everything. We had been hand shoveling for way to long. Now we just get the monster out and it is all taken care of.

Relief Society -Visiting Teaching Interviews.

THESE ARE THE CARDS I MADE Since I am a member of our Relief Society Presidency, we just finished our visiting teaching interviews with our sisters. I made 75 of these cards to give each sister during their interviews to "Choose to be a better visting teacher". Our presidency was at the church wed and thur night (20th & 21st) from 5:30-9:30 p.m doing interviews. There were only 4 sisters in our ward that could not make it. So we had a good turnout. Now onto the next event.....

Jan 8th, 2010 (friday)-riding the front runner to Salt Lake City.

Landon is starting school at University of Utah on the 11th so we decided we would ride the "front runner" to see how long it would take him to get there. It was 30 minutes from Layton to Salt Lake and then another 20 minutes to get on the tracks and onto the campus. This is a good way for him to travel if the weather is bad, otherwise he will drive to campus.