

While we went to Sharae's for a 2 day visit, we left Chiquita in the care of Landon and Ashley.  So Saturday night the 26th of January Chiquita was left at home and got into Landon's back pack and dug to the bottom till she came across a large amount of chocolate covered  raisins.  When Ashley and Landon got home, she greeted them at the door as she always does.  They noticed she was really bloated and was kinda lethargic.   When Landon got to his room he them figured out that she had got into the chocolate and ate over 1 lb.  They watched her closely and could tell she did not feel good.  The next day Ash gave her some rice with chicken and cream cheese and she would not eat anything.  She kept wanting to go outside to pee and sometimes she couldn't.  She threw up once and Ashley was disgusted cleaning up that mess.  Her poops were all very dark. Landon and Ashley were worried.  So they told me about it on Sunday before Bill and I came home.  Of course, I was worried and thinking renal failure due to the toxicity of raisins and chocolate.

So on monday morning  I called the Vet and told them our story about  the chocolate raisins. I made an appt for Chiquita that day at 2:30p.m.  When I took her in this is how she looked, she kept hiding under the chair.  She has never liked seeing the doctor.  They checked her  blood, did a urine test and chest X ray  due to the  cough she has had for awhile and has gotten worse.  Well the blood test showed her kidney levels were high as well as her glucose and the Vet said "she is diabetic"  WHAT!!!!! she also had glucose and protein in her urine.  Plus showed elevated levels of kidney and liver problems.  Her X ray showed a collapsed trachea which means she can not get air into her lungs which effects her heart.  So they put her on a Benzapril tablets to take once a day, and tussicon for her cough every 12 hours.  I wanted to come back in a week to re do her blood and urine tests to really see if she is diabetic.  Until then, Chiquita is taking her meds with healthier foods.  If is is diabetic we will have to give her insulin twice a day.  ALL FOR THE LOVE OF OUR DOG.
After the Vets appt I took Chiquita for a walk.
We have had a lot of snow the past few weeks.
Chiquita does not like the cold snow.  She is a warm weathered Dog.


Visit to the Davis's Friday January 25-27, 2013

I look horrible in these pictures-just woke up.  But Charlotte is a true wonderment.

Charlotte looks and acts like Rae when she was a baby, she even blows bubbles like her mommy did.

She is so happy and only fusses to be nursed or when she is tired.  She is the kind of baby everyone dreams of having.
Saturday morning with my little Asher, he is so busy and full of fun.  If only we could get him to eat the right things.  I don't know where he gets his energy-it is not from food that's for sure.

Ian was sick while we were visiting so he was quarantined to his room until he felt better.  He had everything a boy needs when he is sick-water, pedialyte, tissues, books and more. We all took turns checking on him to make sure he was alright.  Once in a while he would come out of his room just to see everyone.
Charlotte 5 months old loves to stand straight legged in her jumper.  When I would swing her, her legs would just stay straight.  I helped her learn how to bend her knees, but she is just not ready for that.  Sharae has a cute musical mat to jump on and it changes tunes when you hit certain areas.  They have such cute things for baby's these days.

My beautiful girls.

Charlotte with her mommy

Sharae loves her baby girl.

Charlotte just waking up from her nap

Sharae took me to Rumbis for lunch, we split a really good hamburger and a rice bowl.  Yummy!!!

Sharae is fun to be with and is always willing to do nice things for me.

Sunday the 27th of January Sharae and Joe were asked to speak in church, Joe stayed home with Ian (Bill volunteered to stay with Ian, but Joe preferred too).  So he got out of his talk.  Which meant Sharae was doing it without him.  She did a "A class" job and was super relaxed.  Her talk was about ones worth and greatest potential.  Yeah Sharae.  We were so glad to sit with Charlotte and Asher and listen to her speak.

Me and Asher just before we went to church.

Rae with her little man Asher.

While we were getting ready for this picture, Asher looked at me and said "I love you grandma" it made me melt.  I love him so much.

Sharae and I stayed up late Saturday night and she taught me how to make these valentines bouquets to give to our sweet hearts for valentines.  Sharae said "Mom I wanted to make you one, but I would rather teach you how to do it so you can give it to Dad"  So Rae made one for the boys and one for Joe.  I made one to give Bill, Landon and Ashley for valentines.  They were a lot of fun.  I am trying to keep mine hidden until February the 14th.  Thanks Rae.

This is the one that I made to give on Valentines.

The bouquet on Sharae's right is for the boys and the one on her left is for Joe.

On sunday after church I asked Asher if he wanted to help me build a snow man (it had just finished snowing).  He said he did not want to.  But, Sharae said "Mom I will do it with you, I have been wanting to but I can not get anyone to do it with me".  So Sharae and I set off to build our snowman. 

the snow was so fresh and powdery it would not stick to itself, so we had to make firm round balls.

Hey Sharae!here is my firm round ball.  Yeah, just try rolling it and it falls apart.

I will just stay here and make my snow ball bigger by packing more snow on it.

Yea, mom I think your right, if you try to roll it, it falls apart.

Well lets try to pack it on the snowman and then we can carve it.

Ok, I think that is working, but we have a lot more snow to pack to make it rounder and bigger.

Bill thought he would lend a hand by using a shovel to get big scoops of snow to help us pack it on the snowman.  Meantime, Asher decided he wanted to join in on the fun.  While he was dressing into his boots, he got mad at his boot and yelled at it and threw it outside. (He gets frustrated with his clothes).

Bill I think this is working, meanwhile, Sharae is looking for something for the snowman's eyes, nose, buttons, hat and scarf.

Sharae made a perfectly round snowman head and we put the hat on the snowman.

Good job-High five.
Sharae and I added the finishing touches to the snowman.  Bill cut off some limbs from a tree for the arms and a stove pipe for his mouth.  Button eyes, strawberry nose, blueberry buttons.

Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman. Once there was a snowman tall, tall, tall.  In the sun he melted, melted, melted.  In the sun he melted small, small, small.

Sharae and Joe's cute home in Ammon Idaho.