
happy 29th birthday Sharae. We love you

Sharae loves carrot cake-so that's what she got.

The whole family got to place squiggly candles on top of her cake.  The kids were very excited.

It was a yummy cake, no raisin and the cream cheese frosting was delicious too.

Joe lite every candle with care.

Get ready, set and make a wish Rae.

She did it, with the help of Ian. We asked her if she made her wish and she said for the last several birthdays she had been wishing to have a baby girl.  Yeah! Rae your wish came TRUE and we are happy for YOU

My sweet little grandsons

Asher William Davis-4 yrs old

Ian Soren Davis-6 yrs old.

Ian being silly and putting a bow from the presents on his head to be like Charlotte.

Happy 29th Birthday to Sharae, celebrated on August 11, 2012

Sharae loved the tool netting I used to wrap her presents. 

Another cute dress for church.

I lost my tape while I was wrapping presents for Sharae, So when she was opening her presents she found it in the tissue paper.  We laughed really hard about this-I am feeling forgetful.

Sharae said don't worry mom, I have done this before too.

She is so happy to open presents for her B-day.

Sharae loved the head bands I put on the present so she wore one, it was cute.

We tried to surprise Sharae on her birthday friday Aug 10. We thought she was staying at her in-laws after Charlotte was born. We had presents, cake and flowers and took it to the Davis's and Sharae and Joe had gone home thursday afternoon. So Bill and I stayed in a hotel (we had already paid for) in Idaho falls and drove up to Moore Idaho on saturday morning to celebrate her birthday and to meet on new little grand daughter Charlotte. I guess the surprise was on us...

Presents and flowers for Sharae's 29th birthday.

Asher loved to help his mommy open her presents.

We got her some clothes for winter, it makes you feel nice to get some new things.

Asher helping mom see her new dress.

This will be great for church-thanks mom and dad

Enjoying every minute with little Charlotte.

I could not get enough kisses with this sweet little doll.

The whole time we were visiting she was wide awake and never cried.

Asher was my little buddy as we were getting to know Charlotte.

Asher touched Charlotte very gently.

Charlotte Rae Davis

She has such pretty features and a little turned up nose and has Sharae's lips and chin for sure.

This is one of the many outfits I gave Charlotte, she is just scrumptious.

first time Ian held Charlotte, he says my job is to keep her safe.

super alert

Bright eyed

Ashley gave Sharae some swaddles for Charlotte.  Sharae loves to swaddle Charlotte, it helps her feel calm.  Charlotte takes to the pacifier really well also.

Our first meeting with our new grandbaby... Charlotte Rae Davis

After giving loves to Ian and Asher.  It was time to see my new little sweet grand baby. She was sleeping and Sharae said "go in and hold her mom".

She is beautiful, tiny and just perfect.  I could see the resemblance of Rae when she was a baby and she looks a lot like her big brother Asher.

I just could not believe we have a girl in our family again.

I just could not take my eyes off of her.

I asked the boys if they wanted to hold her and Ian said "My job is to keep her safe".

I just loved this moment and was glad to know that Rae was getting enough rest.

Sharae and I are just visiting about her whole birthing experience.

Telling Asher how important it will be to be a very kind big brother to his little sister.

Asher and Ian just love her so much

Charlotte is one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen,  and I have seen a lot of babies.  Her skin is gorgeous, she has short brown hair ( I was hoping for auburn like her mommies), I could not get over her good nature and how tiny she is.  I love you Charlotte.