
Our first meeting with our new grandbaby... Charlotte Rae Davis

After giving loves to Ian and Asher.  It was time to see my new little sweet grand baby. She was sleeping and Sharae said "go in and hold her mom".

She is beautiful, tiny and just perfect.  I could see the resemblance of Rae when she was a baby and she looks a lot like her big brother Asher.

I just could not believe we have a girl in our family again.

I just could not take my eyes off of her.

I asked the boys if they wanted to hold her and Ian said "My job is to keep her safe".

I just loved this moment and was glad to know that Rae was getting enough rest.

Sharae and I are just visiting about her whole birthing experience.

Telling Asher how important it will be to be a very kind big brother to his little sister.

Asher and Ian just love her so much

Charlotte is one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen,  and I have seen a lot of babies.  Her skin is gorgeous, she has short brown hair ( I was hoping for auburn like her mommies), I could not get over her good nature and how tiny she is.  I love you Charlotte.