

Chiquita just hates going for walks after it snows, we make her do it anyway because she needs the excercise. It is always gorgeous and looks so clean and fresh after snowfall.
Bill got boxing gloves from Landon and a shirt and pair of shorts from me. I also made him his favorite german choclate cake and I put all 58 candles on top and made him blow them out. The fire alarms almost went off, in a few more years they will for sure. He did with one try blow them all out-HURRAY BILL!!!


Today Bill got his hair cut and grey was colored ( he looks younger that way-we both need all the help we can get at this point in our lives). Landon and I took Bill to Salt Lake City and had a nice late lunch at "Tucanos" Brazilian food. They sang happy birthday to both of us. They sent us a card to use for our birthday. We could only redeem one at a time. Here we are as they are singing to us in Portugese, they made us stand up on the chairs to dance (well I did my thing, and Bill just stood there) Ha Ha.
Sweet sisters who added to my birthday fun. Mary Jarrett gave me this cute picture which I hung in my kitchen. Linda Marvel gave me these beautiful carnations and they look and smell wonderful (and still look beautiful as of today 3-14-11, 10 days later). Ruth Merrill in our ward gave me this cute willow tree statue (I collect willow tree, and I did not have this one, so I added it to my collection). They were so sweet to think of me.-thanks
Yes, Bill made me a fresh strawberry pie for my birthday. He also surprised me with this cute outfit. He is so good to me-ALWAYS. He also took me to dinner at the olive Garden and to see the movie "Adjustment Bureau". It was a nice birthday. Just sad that I am getting older. I still feel like I am in my 30's but life is good.


Devin sent me this cute outfit-thanks for this gift from Devin, Miranda, Aubrey and Diego. I love it!!! Sharae sent Bill and I a gift card to go to Olive Garden. Thanks alot we appreciate this. Mom Taylor sent me 25 dollars and a beautifu card-thanks mom Also a Big thanks for everyone who wished me a happy birthday-Ashley, Landon, mom Taylor, Craig and Stuart.

and more....

Landon had alot of studying to do on his birthday, Bill and I tried to make it special for him. Nice sunday dinner-roast, potatoes, green beans and rolls. And of course what Landon requested a coconut cream pie from Marie Calendars. In the early evening the young singles Bishop Tholen came by to wish Landon a Happy Birthday along with our home teacher Brother Johnson. We invited them to have a piece of pie and to watch Landon blow out his candles-but of course we sang Happy Birthday to him. Before we had our lunch, Landon opened a few presents but the one he really wanted was a 130 lb mai tai punching bag-which he and Bill hung in the basement. Landon loves to go downstairs and do a hard work out kicking and punching the bag-Happy Birthday Landon.

More of Landons birthday pics.