
I had a wonderful surprise when I got home from work wed May 16,2012. My mom sent me 2 boxes of choclate covered strawberry's. At first I was not sure who sent them and since they were from San Diego I thought it might be landon since he and Taylor were there for the week-end. Then I found this sweet card that read "To my sweet daughter". What a treat this was, I quickly called mom and thanked her. We have been enjoying these treats and have 1 or 2 after dinner. They are really delicious and so fresh. Thanks again mom for this great surprise. I love you lots.

Bill and I went shopping for more flowers to hang in our backyard. We got some geraniums and small purple petunias that are very fragrant. The tulips are my perianials that come up every year.

I was just hanging out with Chiquita.  She loves me to get down on the floor with her and play with her toys.  She still leaps in the air when she plays just like she did when she was a puppy.  She is 11 yrs old in doggy years which is equivalent to 77 of people years.

Mothers Day sunday May 13, 2012. Bill and I on our way to church. Bill made me breakfast in bed and after church he barbequed Filet mignon and lobster tails with a sweet potatoe, baked potatoe and salad. It was delicious, and he also cleaned up the mess and dishes. That evening we had strawberry shortcake with cream. I got to talk to my kids and my mom and sharae sent me a cute card with Ians school picture. I am the luckiest mom in the world.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love flowers-LOTS AND LOTS OF FLOWERS. These are my perianials from last year that came back. I just weeded and took out all the debris from winter and they grew like crazy.