

Bill is so sweet, I got home from work friday night and Bill had a bouquet of sunflowers for me. He picked them from across the street, there was an arrangement in our bedroom and one in the kitchen. This is just what he does all the time....Surprises for no reason. I love and appreciate everything he does for me. He is always serving me and showing me how much he loves me-by the little things. Thanks Bill

Sharae and the kids came for a short visit. Sept 9-11, 2010

Sharae and her family flew to Idaho Falls to look for Land. So Joe drove them from Idaho Falls to Pocatello and I picked them up and brought them to our home in Utah for a short visit-Thanks JOE!! It saved me 6 hours of driving. But it was worth it to see them. I had a busy day on thursday funeral to help with and Relief Society meeting thursday night. I took Sharae with me, our topic was "the Harvest" Linda Marvel taught us when and how to harvest our gardens. So Sharae was real excited with the good info. She talked with Linda about her family starting a farm, so Linda invited her over to try goats milk and see her farm. Sharae got carpool award with me. We give out an item to sisters who come with a friend and the prize is whatever has to do with the topic for the evening. So we both got something to help with canning. We do this to give the sisters incentives to come to our week day meetings. Next month we are doing "a Butcher, a Baker and a Candlestick maker" all about preparedness. We got home and we were pretty tired. I made all my foods I had to take to meeting night and the funeral the day before, I knew I would not have time to do it on thursday. Oh, I am so glad Sharae came for a visit.


Yes, I do. Sharae states "I have had my hair the same way for 17 years-I NEED A CHANGE". Sharae was ready to do this, she had her mind made up when we spoke on the phone before she came for a visit. She asked me if I would make an appt with my hair dresser. I had an appt to get my hair done on thursday Sept 9,2010 and so I got her an appt with me. She did not hesitate and had a style in mind with a picture and everything. Here are the pictures of the REAL DEAL!!! It was hard for me to believe, I have only known Sharae to have long beautiful hair. She says it is so coarse and heavy and it gives her headaches. SO HERE GOES!!! Sharae has so much hair, even though they cut her pony tail first, she still filled their dust pan to the top. The shop is going to donate her hair to cancer patients. So who knew she would be a HAIR DONOR, WHY NOT!!!

Visiting Linda Marvel's homestead.

I serve in the Relief Society presidency with Linda Marvel, she lives across the street from me. She has a homestead or small farm about 1 and 1/2 acres, she has fruit trees, large vegtable gardens, a green house, chickens and she just purchased to baby goats to milk when they are older. We went over in the morning of Sept 10, 2010. She invited us to come and taste her cold goats milk and talk to Sharae about what it takes to run a small farm. Joe and Sharae are considering purchasing 2 and 1/2 acres of land in Idaho and having a small farm with similar things like Linda. Linda gave Sharae some great advice how to get started and what to do. Thanks Linda. It was funny Bob her husband held a chicken for the kids to pet, Ian would not pet it and kept saying "I want to go inside". Asher was a little more adventurous and was climbing up the goats pen. He even let the goats eat out of his hand. I think he enjoyed it. Linda told Sharae that living outdoors and taking care of a farm is really good for kids. Well, we will see how Ian likes it. Sharae is determined to try this even though it is all Joe's idea. Sing to the words of "Old McDonald had a farm." Linda Marvel had a farm E I E I OHHHH and on that farm she had some chickens E I E I OHHHHHH, with a cluck cluck here , and a cluck cluck there, here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck cluck. Linda Marvel had a farm E I E I OHHHH. and on her farm she had some goats E I E I OHHHHH, with a head butt here and a head butt there, here a butt, there a butt, everywhere a butt butt. Linda Marvel had a farm E I E I OHHHHH. and on her farm she had a garden, E I E I OHHHHHH, with lots of veggies here and lots of fruit here, here a veggie, there a fruit, everywhere a fruit and veggie. Linda Marvel had a farm E I E I OHHHHH. and on her farm she had a dog E I E I OHHHHH, with a woof woof here, and a woof woof there, here a woof, there a woof, everywhere a woof woof. Linda Marvel had a farm E I E I OHHHHH. and she taught Sharae about her farm E I E I OHHHHH, with work work here, and work work there, here a work, there a work, everywhere a work work. Linda Marvel had a farm E I E I OHHHHH.
Playing outside blowing bubbles,playing hopscotch and drawing people pictures. I always try to have plenty of fun things for the kids to play with. Some of the good old standards are bubbles, chalk and toys I have saved over the years from when my kids were little. They love playing with their parents toys.

Playing with the kids.

Mamo giving the kids a ride to bed after their bath. Asher ready to go shopping with Mamo and Mommy. He loved wearing my sunglasses, he is so much fun.

Shopping at the Mall

After Sharae and I canned tomatoes she wanted to go do something fun. So we went to the Mall. First stop was to the quilted bear, I love to spoil my kids when I am with them. She loves my jeweled watches so we got her one. They are fun because the watch itself goes with different bands, they are very popular here in Utah. Then we went to express and they were having a sale so she picked out some jeans and a few shirts. With her new hair cut she was looking pretty trendy. It was like she had a make-over. We also saw Edward from "Twilight" and she got a picture with him.

From Vine to table to jars.

Sharae taught me to can tomatoes, she is amazing and cans lots of fruits and vegetables.
We even drove by "Mrs. Fields" home-this lady sold her recipe for cookies which made her famous. You can buy these cookies in the Malls. This is a huge mansion.
After going to Museum we came home and had lunch and let Asher take a nap, then we got ready and went for a short hike in the mountains close by our home. It was a beautiful day so we took advantage of it by being outside. Asher loved holding Chiquitas lesh and walking her, Ian did not want to. The views were beautiful, it was just nice spending leisurely time together before we had to drive Sharae and the boys back to Pocatello to meet Joe. When we were done, we came back to the house, I bathed the kids, Sharae finished her packing and Papo cooked hamburgers on the grill. We ate and were in the car within an hour. It is amazing how much you can get done if EVERYONE HELPS OUT!!
The Museum had these airplanes for kids to sit in, they had pedals so they can actually ride around in them. We ended up pushing them because their feet could not reach the pedals. It was fun for them.

Saturday September 11, 2010(9 year anniversary of the tragedy of 9-11 in New York).

We all went to the Hills Airforce base Museum to look at the planes. We asked Ian if he wanted to go see the Dinasaur Museum or the Airplane Museum. Sharae wanted to go to the Dinosaur Museum but, Ian won and we went to see the Airplanes. Ian and Asher love airplanes. So we went around 10:30 and walked around outside and looked at all the great big airplanes and helicopters that flew in the wars. Hills airforce was having a special ceremony for the 9 year anniversary of 9-11 at 2 p.m. They had large pictures up showing people jumping from the world trade centers during the terrorists attack. It brought back reverent feelings of all those who lost their lives. After we walked around outside, we thought we were done untill we went inside and there were twice as many airplanes to see. So we had spent several hours their. We learned that the "Pido" on an airplane (which is a long cylinder on every airplane) tells the pilot the airspeed. Ian learned all about that, but kept forgetting the word. When I would tell him the word again he would say "thats right" and then later ask me again "what was that name", I would tell him "Pido" and he would say "that right". He was so cute, he is so smart and talks well, he loves to learn new things. In one picture where Ian is crying-he hit his head on one of the propellars and just before Papo said "Be careful Ian not to hit your head" and no sooner had he said that, Ian hit his head and was crying and mommy consoled him. So we took a picture.