
Dehydrated garden tomatoes

Since I have so many garden tomatoes I decided that I would dehydrate some for my food storage. Landon has a dehydrater for when he makes beef jerky, so I borrowed it and made about 8 food storage bags of tomatoes. I also picked some green vine tomatoes to see how they would turn out. Originally I started off with 4-5 large bowls of cherry, roma and vine tomatoes. It is strange! you start off with all these tomatoes and after dehydrating them it turned out to be 8 small bags.

Good-bye Mamo

Devin took me to the airport at 5:30 a.m. The kids were up and we said our good-bye's. I had a fun time and I hope they had fun with me.

Saturday September 25,2010

After we made the pumpkin roll, then Aubrey wanted to use the rest of the pumpkin so we decided to make pumpkin cookies with pumpkin faces. She is a good little cook and sticks with it till the end. She wanted to start a blog but decided to wait till she gets a little older. She wants to bake and share her food with others.
I asked Aubrey what she wanted to do on Saturday. Her response was to BAKE. So thats what we did. First, we made a pumpkin roll.

Friday Sept 24,2010

My mom came over on friday to spend some time with me and see the kids. I had made chili and cornbread the day before, so we had that for lunch. We enjoyed visiting and just being together.
Diego with toy in one hand and a cheeto in another. You can see his healed little scratch on his nose. We were playing on the bed one night after his bath and he quickly fell on his face off the bed. Now the best part is the bed frame is on the floor so the fall was a short one. He cryed and I felt so bad, but we quickly turned the tears to giggles because he is such a happy baby.
Diego is my "little Houdini". My phone was charging on the table and he managed to get it. He loves cell phones and T.V remotes. He can tell the fake ones from the real ones. There is no fooling him!!!

thursday Sept 23,2010

Aubrey has track and field every thursday. Diego and I went to pick her up at her middle school and she had just finished running. She had a sore ankle this week so we wrapped it with a ace wrap bandage for support.