
Chiquita at the manicurists

We were in Petco the other day buying Chiquita a few things, I decided to get her nails trimmed. When her nails get super long it is hard to hold her because it scratches so much. She never likes it, and I feel bad I have to muzzle her to protect others. I always tell her she was a good girl and then I give her a treat. It is like having a child (except the muzzling part) although that could come in handy when kids get to be teenagers-Ha Ha.


Fathers Day-Sunday June 20,2010-TO A GREAT DAD AND HUSBAND.

Bill looks so good since he has lost 28 lbs, he is now watching what he eats and is using the portion controll and counting calories. He still has a ways to go. I admire his determination and discipline to see this hard task through to the end. Way to go Bill.

Preparing the ground for our new sprinkler system

Bill spend friday and saturday excavating the yard and getting it ready to put in the sprinkler system. We are having a company come and do it, it is too much yard for Bill to do. Bill worked prior on killing the weeds and then leveling the ground he did a good job driving the tractor. I was recuperating in the house, did alot of reading and watching T.V to pass time.

My knee Surgery....(Sorry no pictures)

I had my left knee Arthroscopy for my miniscus tear on June 17, 2010. The unfortunate part was that I was scheduled the last procedure of the day. I had to keep calling to find out what time I needed to check in. Plus I had nothing to eat or drink since late wednesday night. They finally told me to be at the hospital at 3:45pm, Bill dropped me off and Landon was working at the same hospital I was having my procedure done. I waited and waited, they called me back at about 4:30 p.m and got me ready. Bill told me it only took about 15 min to fix my knee. I woke up with my left leg elevated with a ace wrap and polar ice attached to my knee. I think they gave me 1 shot of morphine and then they sent be to phase 2 recovery where they got me up in a chair. Bill came in and after a glass of water I was ready to go home. We got home at 8 p.m and I was hungry so we got Pizza. Landon came home and then I went to bed. For 3 days I kept my leg elevated and the Polar ice on my knee constant. On sunday night I took off my dressing and got to take a shower. I am recovering well, the edema in my left leg has gone down and I have no more pain. So I think my knee is fixed. I can not imagine not working for 3 weeks but I will see what the Dr. says on my post-op visit in 10 days. I may go back to work earlier.

After swimming we went back to the room to shower.

Asher was watching Sharae put on her make up so he started copying her and dipping his finger into her lip gloss and putting it on his cheeks, we had to get a pic of this. We played hide and seek with Ian and Asher after their bath, and we hid them under the sheets and then we would say "Where is Ian? Where is Asher?" They would then pop out and say here. Sharae and I went to the store to buy Ian a birthday present for them to take home. Sharae had to buy a baby gift for her sister in law. I called work and they said they needed me to work the night shift. So we went back to the Davis's said our good-byes and were on the road back to Ogden at 1:00 P.m. I worked from 5 Pm to 5 am. It was great being with Sharae and the kids.

Video of Papo helping Ian swim

Saturday June 19, 2010-

Sharae came to the Hilton Hotel where we spent the night. We went to breakfast and got a stack of pancakes and then went back to the Hotel and went swimming and enjoyed the jacuzzi.

Hold on now everybody, I really am not driving, Papo will drive. Although I wished I was old enough!!!!

We then drove to McDonalds and got them an ice cream cone. It was not long until Asher had a "milk mustache" and ice cream dripping down from the sides. Meanwhile, Ian was being very careful not to drip as he gracefully licked all around the cone. They were both so much fun to be with today. We then drove back to the Davis's and Ian handed us his cone and said "thats all", Asher too was finished, they both left the cones so we placed them in the freezer for later.

Friday 11,2010 Bill and I took Ian and Asher to the zoo.

We enjoyed our afternoon by taking the kids to the Idaho zoo. At first Asher would not come to me with Sharae around (he is in that mommie stage). When Sharae was not around at the zoo, Asher came to me and Bill without problems. He says "hug me" when he wants you to hold and carry him. I just love these kids. We saw alot of active animals because the weather was so nice. The kids love to throw a penny in the wishing pond, I think we did it 3 or 4 times. Ian would say "Lets go do that again". The monkeys were fun, the kids sat close to the windows and the monkeys would come a sit on the other side and eat their fruit and look at Ian and Asher. It was fun to watch the kids study the monkeys. We spent about an hour and a half at the zoo and then went and bought them some water wings to swim in our hotel pool and we bought them a little toy. Asher loves cars and would say "I waaaaaant the blu car" and Ian wanted the dart gun and we got them both a glider airplane. We then went to McDonalds and got them an Ice cream cone, it was not long till Asher had a milk mustache and icecream dripping, meanwhile Ian was being very careful and would be sure to lick all around the cone so it wouldn't drip. They were so much fun. Then we went back to the Davis to see Sharae.

Idaho trip to see Sharae, Joe and the kids-June 11,2010 (Friday).

After we arrived in Idaho Falls and saw our little Davis family Sharae requested that we go to "Olive Garden" for lunch. We did and had a nice visit, it was fun to see them again. The last time we were together was around Thanksgiving 7 months ago.