
Bye and love you.

There they go.....

Bye Ash and Ben

Saying good-bye. Love you Ash and we will miss you all over again.

Ashley with her daddy. Thanks for helping us.

They left at 4 pm on sat. Ashley in the cab of the U haul

We convinced Ashley and Benn to leave after lunch. This way they could get a good rest and I unload the next day instead of waking up at 4 am and driving 8 hrs and then in loading.

After we were done moving we went for a late lunch at 2 Pm. We ate at "ABC mandarin". It was excellent we were starved.

Loading the rest of Ashley's furniture from her storage. It has been a big day.

Yeah! It's done. The piano is finally loaded and secure.

It took 7 of us to get the piano in the back of the truck-wow

Piano boxed up and moved out to the truck. Sat morning. We had the high priests from our ward help out. Bill had it down to a Scienc-He worked hard at getting the materials together and getting educated on how to move a baby grand.

Friday night we went out to dinner at a authentic pizzaria and had some good pizza. Then we went to Station park to see the movie Captain Phillips. We all really liked it. Then we came home.

I feel bad I did not take any pictures of Ashley and Sharae when Rae drove from Idaho to see Ash. Sharae got to our house on Thursday at 3pm and stayed till Fri at 12. They both went to get their hair done together Fri Am

Covering the furniture on Friday to load in the truck Sat.

Desk chair and part Asleys computer desk.

Thursday wrapped up baby grand to load on the U haul on Saturday

Picked Ashley and Ben up from the airport late Wednesday night. Ashley wanted In and Out hamburgers, so we stopped there for dinner.