
We spent the night in Denver and at 5 am we woke up and took a shuttle to the airport and flew back to Salt Lake. After we landed we said Good-bye to Rae and she took the shuttle from Salt lake back to Idaho and Joe picked her up. We had a fun time with Rae and was so glad she was able to go to Ashley's wedding.

Sharae getting on the shuttle for her 3 hour drive back to Idaho Falls.

We finally got to meet our new puppies. Saturday night 9 p.m October 4th, 2014. We get to bring them home in 1 month-November 7, 2014.

Meet the Mom (Katie) and Dad (Levi).  Katie is 6 pounds and Levi is 4 pounds.  Our breeder Lois Nestor predicts these puppies will be small around 4 pounds each.  We enjoyed talking to our breeder and enjoyed getting to know her dogs and our pups.  Sharae and Landon liked them too.

These are our new Yorkie pups.  We are going to name them Emma and Sadie.  After our maternal grandparents.  They are so sweet, I felt like they wanted me also.  Meeting them now helps me to bond with them and helps me feel good about this choice.

Baby Allan-September 2014.

This is Ashley's and Ben's ultra sound of their baby at 8 weeks.  So excited.  I am thinking "Girl"

After wedding party

Went to Ashley and Ben's condo after the wedding dinner.  We all offered toasts to them.  Landon videoed everyone separately so they could give them a personal message of good luck or words of wisdom or just say something nice to them.  Around 10 pm we left and went back to our hotel to get some sleep.  Plans for Saturday are to go for a hike up to 7 bridges.

Wedding party
Ashley and Ben opening our gift from mom, dad, Landon and Sharae

After our dinner they brought out a dessert platter-it was yummy, but we were very full after eating a appetizer, entree, chips and salsa.  We could not finish the dessert.
giving each other their wedding bites of the desserts

Ashley's favorite sister Sharae

Ashley's best friend

Pictures of Ben and Ashley after they are married. October 3,2014 Friday. Colorado Springs, Colorado