

Since you can not be here to see Argentina-I am bringing it to you via video. I am going and coming back from my piano lessons in the city.

My life is kinda like the movie "GROUND HOG DAY"

I do the same thing every day over and over again. I don't have a car so I have to be creative on what I do. First thing in the morning Bill leaves for work at 6:30 am.(remember there is a 4 hour time difference in the states). I get up with Chiquita at around 8:30-9:00am. We eat breakfast and then I take her for a long walk and usually jog back to the house with her. Then on m,w,f I ride my bike about 1.5 miles(one way) and work out at curves. Then when I return home I practice piano, I now know 10 hymns I take lessons from the senior missionarys serving over music. It has been wonderful to learn piano. Then I usually shower, and about that time I have lunch around 2 p.m. Then I work on journaling: scrapebooks for my kids since they started school, or doing work on the computer. Then I fix dinner and Bill comes home around 5 p.m. We usually eat around 6:30p.m. During this time, if Chiquita sees one of her doggie friends outside, then I let her go out a play. Or I take her down the street for an extra walk (she keeps me busy like a 2 year old-sometimes). On Tues and thursdays after Chiquitas long walk in the morning. I ride my bike again another 1.5 (one way) and go to my spanish tutor for 1.5 hours. Then return home again. On Tuesday evenings at 5:30p.m I take the car after Bill gets home and go to the church. I teach English to the sisters till 6:30p.m. Sometimes during the week I will go into the office with Bill and walk to the missionarys apartment and take my piano lessons. So I stay busy with something all the time. I am busy with helping in the Relief Society with the monthly newsletter and pass it out the first sunday of the month. They also asked me to take care and fix up their bulletin boards. So I have taken pictures of all the familys in the ward and put their pictures up. Also, new members of the ward. The members here love it and look at their pictures all the time. They don't do much decorating here in Latin America-so this is a big thing. I am teaching by example how to make things nice. It has been a wonderful experience living here in Argentina for this past 2 years. I have met wonderful people who I will remember the rest of my life-for sure.

Chicas de Curves (girls from Curves)-gym

When I go to Curves to work out these girls are always talking to me in Spanish. They are alot of fun. I have learned alot from them, one of them is now taking English classes. She speaks to me in English and I speak to her in Spanish. I gave her the Ensign to read in English to help her out. I also told her about our church and she was very interested. She knows we are here because of Bills work.



April 22, 2009


Our Saturday outing with Chiquita.

We enjoy bike riding and roller blading around our Barrio. We let Chiquita run so we all get our excercise. This is my second day on Roller blades-I am a little nervous.
Other pictures of Hermano Bertas home: He has several bee hives where he gets his own honey. We tasted it and it was great. His yard is built for his family and lots of grand children. He has alot of property and is pretty well off. We had the parilla in his backyard. The kids were playing "hide-n-seek" a game we have not seen played forever. He has his own storage area for his food. He is prepared and very self-reliant. Some saints here grasp the vision of being prepared in all things.


Hermano Berta invited us to his home for a parilla on friday, May 1,2009. It is the biggest Argentine holiday, Like our Christmas in the States. They celebrate workers day and all the stores are closed-(seriously, not a one is open). So you see familys all over having get togethers. So we had a get-together with the welfare workers of the church. They are all great people, and we love associating with them. Enjoy the pics.

PARILLA------ FRIDAY-May 1,2009

Others who were there: Senior missionary couples from the states serving in the Welfare dept. Argentines who work in the churchs welfare dept. (Look and guess who you think are Argentines and who are American). It is hard because Argentines are light complected and look very European.