
This is the game of CAT and MOUSE or (DOG and CAT)

I had just taken Chiquita for a walk, when we got home the neighbors cat was in our yard.  Chiquita knows this cat and is Leary of her or should I say cautious.

The cat is very interested in playing with Chiquita and Chiquita only lets her so close and then she walks away.

As the cat approaches Chiquita she jumps off the rock to keep a safe distance.

When she feels she is at a safe distance she then turns around to watch the cat.

As Chiquita walks away she turns around and sure enough the cat is following her again.

I AM DONE-I do not like this game of "what do you call it again-"  Oh! that's right cat and dog.

the cat watching Chiquita would love to keep this game going.