

 On Friday June 15th Bill received a package from Landon-(who is in Amman Jordan doing his internship for his Bachelors degree in Social Work) for Fathers day.  Bill was so excited that 1)Landon is so far away and sent something to him and 2)Landon thought of his dad.  He sent Bill some special cookies from "Mrs Fields".  Bill said they were delicious.  Thanks Landon I love and miss you.

these cookies are yummy!!!!

The father day treat came in such a pretty package and the gourmet cookies were enjoyed throughout the week-end by dad.

This is Bill on Fathers day in our den just before going to church.

For his special Fathers dinner we had Rib-eye steak, potatoes and salad.  It was yummy! For desert we had Razzelberry pie and ice cream.

Happy Fathers Day -Bill I Love You.