
SKI DAY-February 19th-tuesday.

Bill and I had the day off, so we just had fun together.  We left around 8:30 am and drove up to Wolf mountain to do a half day of skiing from 9-1p.m.  I have not skied this season at all.

Bill going down the mountain

We wanted to take a few pictures to remember our day.

Just getting our ski stuff on and ready to go.

Here we go.....

I took this picture of us on the ski chair taking us to the top.

Getting ready to ski down the mountain.

Bills cute and sexy poise.

While I was listening to the Rolling stones on my I-pod, Bill said that I skied very well today.  I actually think the music had something to do with my speed and form-ha ha

We are enjoying the nice day, and sunshine on the slopes today.

We had such a great time together today.  It was nice to be off work today, there were no crowds of people.  We were on and off the ski chairs in no time.  We did between 12 and 15 runs in 2 hours. 

Our legs were really tired after skiing 2 hours today.  What a work out.  We plan on doing this every Tuesday until the season is over.