
Happy 6th birthday Ian. July 9, 2012-monday

Before we had Ian's party at the Park-mom said he could open a few presents.

Sharae got Ian a Lego set to build 3 different planes.  Ian was reallly smart, Sharae would show him the picture and then tell him to pick the piece and put it on just like the picture.  He did a great job for a 6 yr old.

Bill enjoyed not having to work, so he relaxed a lot during our visit.

Ian was really good when mom said he could open just a few gifts before the party.

Oh!I love it Mamo and Papo Cook.

Mamo and Papo helped purchase a plastic slide for Ian to use indoors and in the pool.  Just to have something to unwrap we gave him a joke book for kids.  Ian calls Mamo often to just tell jokes on the phone.  So here is your own book Ian.  Enjoy the jokes-especially his favorites is the "Knock-knock" jokes.

Asher is not happy, he just got hit with a water balloon.

Anyone for a water balloon fight???

Ian got in some good hits too.  But did not break it open.

Joe steadied the pinata for the kids to hit. Rae is putting the blindfold on Asher.

Asher gave a few good smacks with the bat.

Rae taking pictures of Asher and Ian hitting the pinata.

The kids scrambled for the candy after one of Ian's friends swung the bat hard enough to break open the pinata.

Ian loved filling his sack with candy from the beach ball pinata.

Ian's Birthday Cake-yummy icecream

Ian wanted a ice cream cake, here Sharae is putting on the finishing touches-candles.

1,2,3... Make a wish Ian and blow out the 6 candles.

Bill and I with our sweet pregnant daughter, she always puts together the cutest parties for the kids.