
On wednesday night May 4th we had our weekday Relief Society meeting "Food Storage made Easy". It would have been fun if Sharae could have stayed and gone with me. I had to make a display for the entrance, so I was busy cutting these cards out on my cricut machine for our drawing. I finished them after Sharae left. I put each ward that was going to be attending and as the sisters would come in they would write their name on a paper and place it in the basket with their ward name on it. At the end of the night we drew the winner from the basket (ward) who was most in attendance. Our ward won, so we drew from the basket and one of our sisters from our ward won the dehydrator. It was a fun night. There is a web site "Food storage made easy" by Jodi and Julie. They came and showed people how to get started and it is called "Baby steps". Try it-go on the site and look around they have great ideas. Then we asked 5 sisters from each ward to make something from their food storage and bring it on a receipe card. Everyone loved trying all the different receipes. One sister made graham crackers and they tasted better than the store bought ones. I took my dehydrated tomatoes and apples to share. I am busy working on building our food storage-it is fun.