

MY MOM HOLDING GRANDMAS DOG (STAR), COUSIN KRISSY AND AUNT MARY ELLEN. UNCLE MARVIN, ROGER AND FRED. Today I had planned to drive to Pleasant Grove to see my Grandma. Sharon at the group home told my mom that grandma was not doing very well, so she drove from Arizona to be with her. I almost did not want to go today because I was tired and the weather was bad. I almost had me talked out of it, when I had a very strong prompting that "I HAD TO GO TODAY". I am so thankful I listened to the prompting. I got to the group home around 1200 p.m, grandma did not look good, she was in a coma. I got to spend 2 hours and 42 minutes by her side before she passed on. Me and my mom, uncles, aunt and cousin sat by her bedside, keeping her comfortable until it was over. Tears were shed, lots of reminesing went on and even some laughter thinking about the good times we have all experienced with GRANDMA over the years. She hung on and fought for awhile,her breathing became labored and then went to a stand still. There was a peaceful feeling in the room, several made a coment how she looked 10 years younger now. We were rejoicing in the fact that NOW she could be with her other loved ones: grandpa (her sweetheart), Duke, her daughter patricia and lots of brothers and sisters who have passed on over the years. I was so thankful I got to spend these last few hours with her and telling her how much she has meant to me. She knows we were there, and she knows how much we love her and will miss her. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation that will reunite us again and we will be with her in the next life. I am thankful for the atonement and resurrection that make this possible for us to live with our families again. Without this knowledge then death would be for nothing and very painful to endure. I will think of my grandma often as I live my life, I will remember the things she taught me, I am so thankful she was my grandma.