
Christmas party at Great-Grandma's house-December 29,2008. ( Monday )

Bill and I came back to Mesa, Arizona for our home visit for Christmas. We all got together to celebrate. Sharae, Joe, Ian and Asher came from Puyallup, Washington. Landon drove to Mesa from Rexburg, Id where he is attending BYU. Ashley and Jesse came from Queen Creek, Az. Devin, Miranda, Aubrey and Daityn came from Phoenix, Az. Brad and Diane had just gotten settled in Phoenix. Craig, Chris, Cienna and Kell came also. Mom was such a gracious host and let us stay at her home. We had so much fun!!!everyone got the Wii game from us. We took the kids to the Zoo, played games, visited and ate good food. After Christmas Bill and I went on to Costa Rica.
ARGENTINAMAMO Bill, Chiquita and I are starting on another year here in Buenos Aires Argentina. We have lived here for 18 months. Bills work here with LDS family services is going slow, but it is progressing. We love the many opportunitys we have had here to serve in the church. We love our friends that we have come to know well. We still work on learning the Castellano (spanish) language. I can understand more than I can speak, but I get by. I spend my days working out at Curves in the morning. I ride my bike out of the country( barro) where we live. I also take Chiquita with me on long bike rides and I put her in my back pack, she loves it. We have only one car between the two of us, so we (me) have learned to sacrifice alot. I work on church projects at home and continue to complete scrapebooks for my children. It is a unique adventure living in a foreign country and we are lucky to have this experience.